Study skills for electrotechnology

Below are study skills used by some successful electrotechnology students. Have a look and see if there are any you could use.
Ask your PASS leader to tell you more about them

Backwards thinking
This is a way to breakdown or analyse a larger problem:
write down all questions and the sub-questions you need to answer
list the relevant theory
decide which theory relates to which question
break the task into steps
order these in a logical way
answer each separate question step by step

Practical learning
- put the project into a block diagram
- check you know how each component works
- use the internet as a help tool
- use tools such as oscilloscopes and multimeters to monitor the project
- if it doesn't work or produce the expected result, individually test each component

Other useful study skills
  • Use repetition to get familiar with practical learning
  • Play with the software programs
  • Look around at the different features
  • Use basic maths as an explanation e.g. to show voltage current
  • Ask technicians and lecturers for explanations or help
  • Use research skills to find info
  • Form groups for group study sessions
  • Check electronic engineering forums on the internet
  • Take good notes
Last modified: Sunday, 8 July 2012, 2:46 AM