Increasing attendance at PASS sessions

Often attendance at PASS dips during the semester, due to illness or pressure of assignment work. Here are some strategies for getting that attendance back up again. Select 3 strategies and try them out:

• Take a little time in lectures to give verbal encouragements to attend PASS sessions.

• Prepare a brief reminder about PASS – day, time, room number and what you’ll work on – and email to the lecturer. Ask him/her to put it on Moodle.

• Show or post anonymous quotations from students on how PASS is helping them.

• Ask those who are attending PASS to encourage someone who is not currently attending.

• Ask a regular PASS attendee to speak at lectures about the benefits of PASS to them.

• Write the PASS times and locations on the whiteboard at each lecture you attend.

• Offer something specific in PASS sessions – study skills, rules for problem solving, games, test review etc.

• Offer how to handouts on the most efficient/effective study skills

Last modified: Sunday, 8 July 2012, 2:46 AM