Working with International Learners Rubric 2023
Completion requirements
Evidence Rubric – Working with International Learners
Learning Outcome: Choose and apply appropriate strategies to support your International learners' English language needs.
Badge Level(drawn from Pohatu’s Mauri Model) |
1. ArtefactsDocuments that provide evidence of how you recognise and respond to International learners. |
2. Narrative (up to 500 words written OR a reflective conversation with one of the Badge Facilitators).A clear explanation of the thinking behind key artefacts submitted, including which badge level you are aiming for. |
Mauri Oho / Emerging “You have begun to explore opportunities to practise and develop this aspect of teaching competency but are not yet consistently demonstrating it.” |
The artefacts give evidence of at least two strategies used to
respond to specific international learners' needs.
Example artefacts: lesson plans, an audio recording of your speaking to show adjusted language, emails demonstrating student support, online activities that specifically address vocabulary learning such as Moodle Glossary or Quizlet, a video that you made as part of a Flipped Learning approach, adjustments made to assessments considering international learners' understanding. |
Outline briefly the needs of your international learners in relation to the
course(s) you teach.
Identify the strategies you have implemented and discuss reasons for their success or lack of success. Reflect briefly on what aspects you might focus on in the future. |
Mauri Tū / Demonstrating
“You consistently demonstrate this aspect of teaching competency and actively look for opportunities for further growth.” |
Sufficient artefacts, developed over several semesters, give
evidence of how you recognise international learners' needs and respond
to them, using more than two strategies.
Additional example artefacts: Observations or recordings that show evidence of working with international learners over several semesters. |
As above (for Emerging), AND
Include reference to a) research and/or theory that has informed your choice of strategies b) specific international student issues that you have addressed |
Mauri Ora / Modelling
“You are considered a role model for this aspect of teaching competency and support others to develop in this area.” |
As above (for Demonstrating), AND
Artefacts indicate recognition by others of your excellent practice and your support for other teachers over time. Additional example artefacts: stakeholder feedback, attestation. |
As above (for Demonstrating), AND
Provide a clear description of how you share your expertise at Unitec, or support others to develop in this area. |
updated June 2023
Last modified: Tuesday, 27 June 2023, 2:35 PM