Resizing images before uploading to Moodle

It is often best to resize images before you upload them to Moodle. This makes their file size smaller, and means less data your students have to download every time they view the image.

Here is a quick instructional video on resizing an image using a free browser-based tool called Pixlr Editor. You don't have to install something, just go to the Pixlr website and start using it!


  1. Go to
  2. Launch the "Pixlr Editor" web app (under the big banner)
  3. Choose to open a file from your computer
  4. Find the file and open it
  5. Go to Image > Resize
  6. Choose a smaller size (recommended maximum 800 x 600 for uploading to Moodle) by typing values into the boxes or using the sliders
  7. Click ok
  8. Go to File > Save
  9. Choose a new name for your image (recommend putting _resized after the image name so you know it's the resized one)
  10. Click ok
  11. Choose where to save it on your computer and click save

It is now ready to upload to Moodle!

» Guide to Moodle