6035- Assignment No1 Results - Last Lot

6035- Assignment No1 Results - Last Lot

ni Ronnie Matafeo -
Number of replies: 1

Kia ora koutou, hello everyone,

Trust you are all well.

Please find attached the last lot of the assignment no 1.

There are some assignments that we could not opened, and some who did not have a cover page with it, so we are trying to find out the ID numbers, etc.

We will start to looking at your emails, but please get back to us if you still have not got your results for Assignment 1.

Stay safe everyone,

nga mihi nui,


In reply to Ronnie Matafeo

Re: 6035- Assignment No1 Results - Last Lot

ni Xiaofei Ren -
Hi Ronnie,

Are you sure this is ALL ? My name is in Ajay's result, not included in this one.