Cost Planning Test No1 postpone to 29 August 2022

Cost Planning Test No1 postpone to 29 August 2022

von Ronnie Matafeo -
Anzahl Antworten: 0

Kia ora koutou, Greetings everyone,

We trust you and your families are well and keeping warm, lets hope the weather improves at the moment.

Since Unitec Management are holding a meeting on the 22nd August 2022 to decide whether to deliver our Course by face to face or online, I have decided that it is best we postpone our Test to the 29 August 2022, pending the outcome of our meeting. 

Hence, next week, we will continue on with our work as shown on Moodle and then we will have our Test on the 29th August 2022, by then we will know how our Test will be delivered.

 Have a lovely week everyone or what is left of it, and stay safe and warm.

Nga mihi nui.
