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    • Lecturers contacts:

      1. Ronnie Matafeo - rmatafeo@unitec.ac.nz

    • Any one should be able to ask and answer questions in this forum. Feel free to share your ideas, experience, etc. regarding the course contents in this forum. Please be polite and no abusive words.

  • Text- und Medienfeld: 5 Datei: 1
  • Here's where you'll find the files you need all the way through the course.
    Dateien: 3 Text- und Medienfeld: 1 Verzeichnis: 1
  • There will be three Assessments in this course:
    1. Test (25%) - Preliminary Budget Estimating
    2. Individual Assignment (30%) - Elemental Measuring (Apprx. quantities)
    3. Group Assignment (45%) - Detailed cost planning & Cashflow forecast

    All three assessments are compulsory. You must attempt all of them otherwise, the regulation below applies:

    "The grade DNC (Did Not Complete) is recorded if a student has either withdrawn after 75% of the scheduled Course duration; or not attempted a compulsory item of Assessment within a Course. No Credits earned"

    Text- und Medienfeld: 3 Textseite: 1 Verzeichnisse: 5 Aufgaben: 3 Dateien: 5
  • Introduction

    In this session you will be introduced to the course, review cost planning principles and go through different construction project stages.

    Text- und Medienfeld: 4 Dateien: 6
  • Text- und Medienfeld: 4 Dateien: 10 Verzeichnis: 1

  • This session will cover preliminary estimating using Gross Floor Area (GFA) and cost/m2

    Text- und Medienfeld: 4 Dateien: 12 Abstimmung: 1
  • In this session, we will review everything we have covered for the past three weeks as part of the preparation for Test 1 next week the 22rd August 2022. Bring your calculator, scale ruler and your laptop full charged.
    Text- und Medienfeld: 3 Dateien: 8

  • This session's discussion will focus on different methods for setting cost targets as part of Elemental cost planning.

    Text- und Medienfeld: 3 Link/URL: 1 Dateien: 7 Abstimmung: 1
  • This session covers measurement of approximate quantities for cost planning purposes.

    Text- und Medienfeld: 3 Links/URLs: 2 Dateien: 14 Abstimmung: 1
  • This is a workshop session to help you with the assignment. Bring all your questions regarding elemental measurement i.e approximate quantities to this session and we will discuss together.
    Text- und Medienfeld: 3 Dateien: 2 Abstimmung: 1
  • This topic will cover cost planning in detailed design stage

    Text- und Medienfeld: 3 Dateien: 3 Aufgabe: 1 Abstimmung: 1
  • Text- und Medienfeld: 3 Dateien: 4 Verzeichnis: 1
  • Construction phase cash flow forecast 

    Clients often require a cash flow projection for the construction of the projects. This is to assist with feasibility studies and the associated business analysis.

    Text- und Medienfeld: 3 Link/URL: 1 Dateien: 13
  • S13 - Cashflow cont.


    Cashflow cont.

    Dateien: 5
  • Nothing new is going to be covered today. We will be helping you with your assignment. Bring all your questions for discussion during the class.
    Text- und Medienfeld: 3