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  • Unitec has identified eight core teaching competencies that form the basis for professional development.

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    Available TCD Courses

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    Learner-centred icon Create Learner-Centred Environments
    Working with International learners
    This course helps teachers to recognise the English language needs of International learners, acknowledge the demands of specific courses and know what to do to support International students' learning. More...
    Teaching Pacific learners
    This course helps teachers to recognise the needs of Pacific learners and explore teaching approaches that suit them. More...
  • Effective Learning icon Design for Effective Learning
    Design Collaborative Learning
    This course helps teachers to design learning activities using appropriate strategies for collaborative learning. More...
    Design Group Assessment
    This course helps teachers to design group assessment processes that ensure fairness and transparency. More...
    Moodle Standards Your Moodle course serves as support and scaffolding for your students outside of class. It needs to be clear, concise and consistent so students can easily navigate and find what they need. More...
    Moodle - Introduction to Moodle 2021 This course helps teachers to set up and use Moodle to actively engage students. More...
    Improve Summative Assessment 2020
    This course helps teachers to deepen their understanding of what good assessment is; and to use that knowledge to make improvements to existing assessments. More...
    Writing Learning Outcomes 2021 This course helps teachers to develop skills in designing and/or redeveloping learning outcomes for a course to ensure achievement of the programme graduate profile outcome(s). More...
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    Facilitate Learning icon Facilitate Learning
    Active Learning  This course helps teachers to design and facilitate active learning to engage students. More...
    Echo360 Classroom Engagement - Interactive Presentations This course helps teachers to create, design and apply the Echo360 presentation active learning features to better engage students in face-to-face environments. More...
    Literacy Learning Strategies: Writing After completing this course, you will be able to apply appropriate teaching and learning strategies to support the literacy development of selected learners. More...
    Literacy Learning Strategies: Reading After completing this course, you will be able to apply appropriate teaching and learning strategies to support the literacy development of selected learners. More...
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    Assess and Feedback icon Assess and Give Feedback on Learning
    Introduction to Summative Assessment 2020 The course is designed specifically for staff who are new to teaching. The intention is to make sure new teachers know how to implement, mark and record the outcomes of 'summative' assessment processes in accordance with Unitec's rules and regulations. More...
    Pre-moderate Assessment Materials This course helps teachers who act as moderators to review assessment materials and provide feedback that supports good assessment practice. More...
    Post-moderate Assessor Decisions This course helps teachers who act as moderator to review assessor decisions and provide feedback that supports good assessment practice. More...
  • Review icon Review Learning and Teaching
    Peer Teacher Coaching This course helps teachers to observe colleagues' teaching practice, to give constructive feedback, and to enhance learning and teaching in a team. More...
    Teaching Under 25 Learners 2021 This course helps teachers to evaluate their teaching practice for working with under 25 learners against good practice criteria. More...
    Changing Assessment for Remote Online Delivery This course helps teachers to evaluate their practice of changing assessment(s) for remote online delivery. More...
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    Industry expertise icon Show Discipline/Industry Expertise

    There are currently no courses available for this competency.
  • Professional development icon Engage in Continuous Professional Development

    There are currently no courses available for this competency.

  • Programme contribution icon Contribute to Programme's Operation and Academic Success
    Academic Integrity This course supports teachers to guide their students about their responsibilities with academic integrity. More...
    Working with Graduate Profiles Supporting teachers to work with graduate profiles to create relevant and useful courses and programmes of study. More...
    Pacific learners : Success and Retention
    This course supports teachers to monitor students' progress and apply relevant pastoral care.  More...