•   Example Week
    • Below is an EXAMPLE of a week's activities on Moodle based on Fink's Active Learning Model below (2013).

      Castle Top Activity Design Model (University of Wisconsin–Madison, 2022; adapted from Fink, 2013)

      Consider the following:

      • Ensure clear instructions for students to follow
      • Visual design (consider layout and flow, use headings, limit colours and fonts etc)
      • Ensure there are options for feedback, questions and collaboration as often as possible

        NB - This is not "real" course content, some activities may be placeholders.

    •   Week 2 (example week)
    • Post any resources, ideas or questions here!
    •   Preparation for class / Whakaritenga
    • This week's activities will support your development of the following skills, which you will need to complete Assignment 1.

      • Identify skills that employers want in a graduate.
      • Review how you can improve on and demonstrate these skills to an employer
    • Review these content resources before class

      • Please work your way through these readings and the Ted talk on skills that employers look for in a graduate before our next session. 
      • This content will help you understand key concepts (knowledge) related to the topic
    • How To be employable: Lesley Jennings TedTalks TEDxYouth@NavalHill (8mins)

    • This quiz is based on the 2 articles above and Lesley Jennings TedTalk and is part of Portfolio Task 1: Quizzes (10%)

    • PT2: Forum contributions: sharing resources and summary writing (10%)

      • Find a resource related to this week's topic;
      • Share a link to the resource in the discussion forum and write a concise summary of it (approx. 150 words);
      • Come to class prepared to discuss the article and answer questions related to it.

        This activity will deepen your knowledge of the topic and prepare you for the project assignment.
    •   In-class / Akomanga 
    • Preparation for Assessment 1: Group Project

      This is a collaborative activity to be done with your group.  Working in a group will help you analyse and evaluate this week's content with your group members to justify and make decisions.

      1. Below is a Office 365 Word document which groups will use for collaborating on projects
      2. Below is a Wiki (Blog) which groups will use for team collaboration work on projects
    •   After class / Whakaharatau
    • Reflection: Leadership in the Workplace
      This activity will help you apply the content and concepts we engaged with this week. You will use the knowledge and apply it in a new context.

      1. Below is a questionnaire on Leadership
      2. Write a short 500 word reflection on the outcome of the questionnaire.  Compare it to a current job role you hold, or have previously been employed in
      3. Please complete before our next class on DDMMYYY
      4. In our next class session you will be asked to collaborate in groups

      If you have any questions about this activity or anything else related to the course, please post them to the forum at the top of the section

      LINK here

    • link to Group Project (20%): keep assessment docs and actual submission tool in 'Assessments' section

      Post Draft 1 of your group project here by DDMMYYY for feedback