- Trainer/in: Linda Hunt
- Trainer/in: Glenn Nicholson
- Trainer/in: Phil Plunkett
- Trainer/in: Ajmal Saba
NZCEE year2 Group B
- Trainer/in: Amruta Kar
- Trainer/in: Glenn Nicholson
- Trainer/in: Phil Plunkett
- Trainer/in: Ajmal Saba
- Trainer/in: Paul Devine
- Trainer/in: Shingai Muchecheterwa
Welcome to ISCG5403! The aim of this course is to provide you with a good working
knowledge of the concepts of Networking
and Data Communications fundamentals.
- Trainer/in: Paul Devine
- Trainer/in: Shingai Muchecheterwa
- Trainer/in: Dila Beisembayeva
- Trainer/in: Dila Beisembayeva
- Trainer/in: Kris Pritchard
- Trainer/in: Dylan Holt